Energy Prices

Crude Oil 67.84 -0.07%
Natural Gas 4.07 +2.83%
Gasoline 2.23 -0.52%
Heating Oil 2.26 -1.05%
Gold 3086.50 +0.85%
Silver 34.64 1.76%
Copper 5.11 +0.29%
2025.03.29 end-of-day » Add to your site

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oil and gas by the Numbers 09/02/2011

Today at noon the oil market was sitting at $87.25/barrel on was a couple dollars higher then last week at this time. I do see that it is dropping since then though. This weeks rig count is also lower, Louisiana show a drop of 6 of the 7 in the USA rig drop.

Rig Count
updated 09/02/2011
USA: 1968
  TX:    898
  LA:    152
  OK:   195
  ND:   180
  PA:    113
  NM:    86
  CO:     75
  WY:    51
  CA:     48
   UT:     27
   AK:      7
  WV:    20
  MT:       6

For more states: Baker Hughes Rig Count

Applications Submitted to Drill
08/26/2011 through 09/02/2011

TX:  169
ND:   46
MT:   17
CA:   30
WY:  82

Gasoline Prices

US Average:  $3.66/gal
US Low:  AZ $3.404/gal
US High:   HI $4.167/gal

For a printer friendly copy: Oil and Gas by the Numbers 09/02/2011

Baker Hughes buys stake in tech firm

Baker Hughes buys stake in tech firm - Upstream Online

Texon counts Eagle Ford flows

Texon counts Eagle Ford flows - Upstream Online

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Impact of Oil in a small town

I really like the piece below.  Its one those that makes you stop and think, but only if you are paying attention. Western North Dakota is in the middle of a oil boom, that's no question, but how it is handling the impact is the part I like to watch.  Most people through out the US still haven't heard about what is going on here, and even when they do know about the Bakken I have heard several people comment in surprise in just how busy it is here when they see it for themselves.  It has become a sport for the original residents to learn to go about normal life and try to accommodate their new neighbors moving in, whether temporary or permanent.  It gives me a small smile to see the writer of the article counting plates, vehicle type, and navigating Wal-Marts long lines. I know that will be coffee conversation at the local cafe after I share it with my grandfather. That is however how rural ND discusses what is happening to its community and works to make a very chaotic time manageable and more efficient.

Sunday Night at Walmart - Million Dollar Way

From Farmer to Sand Miner - Oil and Gas changing the Midwest

Most of us don't think about the number of train cars full of frac sand that are rolling through the US at this very moment, but normally unaffected Midwest businesses are getting in on the US Shale boom.  What once was a commodity not worth digging up is now a huge business.
Frac sand becomes a profitable trade

Fayetteville producers to Recycle Frac water

Recycling water maybe a new answer to several issues that surround frac water use and treatment.

Arkansas Frac water gets a second life

Shell plans for new plant in Marcellus

Shell plans for a plant fed by Marcellus Gas

Samson Oil & Gas acquires Hawk Springs Acreage

Samson Oil & Gas grabs Hawk Springs lease from Univeristy of Wyoming